Thursday, December 11, 2008

How do you know there is a Santa?

Last June I resigned from leading out as worship pastor, at a church that has a business man for a Church leader. He isnt even an honest man at that... God was pushing on me for a year to walk away from under all that and I was so chicken that if I left, I would end up broke and unemployed forever...but.. It felt unrighteous for me to continue on there.... So I surrendered to my God, he runs the show for this guy... 6 months have now passed and I feel like I am off earth's radar.
....Still God is in charge even though it feels

Obedience to God doesnt always mean
he's gonna give you a big shiny gift to make you forget the pain and the people you had to leave behind.

A fellow musician sent me some cold comfort today in an email
quote: "Better a crust of bread eaten in peace than riches and strife "

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